Dr. Feiveson is a Senior Research Scientist, Emeritus, at the School of Public and International Affairs. He was co-founder, and until 2006, co-director of the Program on Science and Global Security, where he remains a member, and is also a member of the International Panel on Fissile Materials. He was one of the founders of the international journal, Science & Global Security, and Editor for the journal’s first twenty-one years (1989–2010). He is a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Feiveson received an M.S. in Theoretical Physics from the University of California Los Angeles in1959; and a PhD in Public Affairs from Princeton University in 1972. 

Research Interests


Dr. Feiveson's principal research interests have been in the fields of nuclear weapons and nuclear energy policy. He was a founder and for thirty years co-principal investigator of Princeton's research Program on Science and Global Security. His work has focused on the ways in which the nuclear arsenals of the United States and the former Soviet Union can be dismantled and "de-alerted", the strengthening of the nuclear non-proliferation regime (including a universal ban on the production of weapons-useable material and on nuclear weapons testing), and the strengthening of the separation between nuclear weapons and civilian nuclear energy activities.



Scientists Against Time (FRS 134). This seminar explores some of the critical contributions of (mostly Allied) scientists, engineers, and mathematicians during World War II. Offered: Spring 2019.



H. A. Feiveson, Scientists Against Time: The Role of Scientists in World War II, Archway, 2018.

H. A. Feiveson, A. Glaser, Z. Mian, and F. Von Hippel, Unmaking the Bomb: A Fissile Material Approach to Nuclear Disarmament and Nonproliferation, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014.

H. A. Feiveson (ed.), The Nuclear Turning Point: A Blueprint for Deep Cuts and De-alerting of Nuclear Weapons, Brookings Institution, 1999.

B. Blair, H. A. Feiveson, and F. von Hippel, Taking Nuclear Weapons Off Hair-Trigger Alert, Scientific American, November 1997.

F. Berkhout, O. Bukharin, H. A. Feiveson, and M. Miller, A Cutoff in the Production of Fissile MaterialInternational Security, 19 (3), Winter 1994/1995.

F. Berkhout, A. Diakov, H. A. Feiveson, H. Hunt, E. Lyman, M. Miller, and F. von Hippel, Disposition of Separated PlutoniumScience & Global Security, 3 (3/4), 1993.

R. W. Williams and H. A. FeivesonDiversion-Resistance Criteria for Future Nuclear PowerEnergy Policy, 18 (6), July/August 1990.

D. Albright and H. A. Feiveson, Plutonium Recycle and the Problem of Nuclear Proliferation, Annual Review of Energy, 13, 1988.

H. A. Feiveson, F. von Hippel, and R. Williams, Fission Power: An Evolutionary StrategyScience, 203 (4378), January 26, 1979.

H. A. Feiveson, Proliferation Resistant Nuclear Fuel CyclesAnnual Review of Energy, 3, 1978.

T. Greenwood, H. A. Feiveson, T. B. Taylor, Nuclear Proliferation: Motivations, Capabilities, and Strategies for  Control, McGraw Hill, 1977.

H. A. Feiveson, F. Sinden and R. Socolow, Boundaries of Analysis: An Inquiry into the Tocks Island Dam Controversy, Ballinger Press, 1976.