Hamza El-Asaad was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at Science and Global Security until November 2024. Previously he was a Stanton Nuclear Security Fellow at Texas A&M University, working on environmental dynamics of radioactive materials, and a science and engineering researcher in the Chemistry, Environment and Radiation Division of the Nuclear Science and Engineering Center at the Japan Atomic Energy Agency with a focus on the dispersion of radioactive materials following nuclear disasters and on Fukushima decontamination efforts. He also worked on both Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and International Atomic Energy Agency projects in the Integrated Support Center for the Nuclear Non-proliferation and Nuclear Security Division of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency. He holds a PhD in Nuclear Engineering and a Master's in Environmental Engineering from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor of Science specializing in physics and computer science from the University of Calgary, Canada.

Research Interests

My research engages two overlapping areas: understanding radiological contamination and clean-up from nuclear facility disasters and nuclear weapon explosions and strengthening the role of public and environmental safety and security as factors in policy making on reducing risks from nuclear energy and nuclear weapons. My current work uses computer simulations to model radiological dispersion from nuclear disasters and past nuclear weapon tests to assess risks and consequences and to formulate science-based strategies and regulations for nuclear safety and security, preparedness, and response and recovery measures focused on victim assistance and environmental monitoring and remediation. 


P-007. M. Kadowaki, A. Furuno, H. Nagai, H. Kawamura, H. Terada, K. Tsuduki, and H. El-Assad, Validity of the source term for the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station accident estimated using local-scale atmospheric dispersion simulations to reproduce the large-scale atmospheric dispersion of 137CsJournal of Environmental Radioactivity, July 14, 2021.

P-006. H. El-Asaad, H. Terada, and H. Nagai, Worldwide version of System for the Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information, WSPEEDI Atmospheric Database System, User Manual Version 1.1.0, Journal of JAEA-Technology, under review.

P-005. H. El-Asaad, H. Sagara, C. Y. Han, and H. Nagai, Development of a User-Friendly Interface IRONS for Atmospheric Dispersion Database for Nuclear Emergency Preparedness Based on the Fukushima Database, Journal of Annals of Nuclear Energy, 141, 15 June 2020.

P-004. H. El-Asaad, H. Nagai, and H. Sagara, User Interface of Atmospheric Dispersion Simulation for Nuclear Emergency Countermeasures, Energy Procedia, 131, 28 December 2017.

P-003. H. El-Asaad, H. Nagai, and H. Sagara, User Interface of Atmospheric Dispersion Simulation for Nuclear Emergency Countermeasures, 5th International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (INES-5), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, November, 2016.

P-002. H. El-Asaad, T. Murayama, and I Fumino, Analysis of Evacuation Procedure after the Accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, NERIS-European Platform on Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery Workshop & Sixth Assembly, Milano, Italy, April 2015.

P-001. H. El-Asaad, T. Murayama, and I Fumino, Analysis of Evacuation Procedure after the Accident of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, Emergency Planning (II), Vancouver, Canada, August 2014.


To come ...