President Biden and the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 15, 2022. Source: Saudi Press Agency.
President Biden and the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meeting in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, July 15, 2022. Source: Saudi Press Agency.

The virtual seminar will be held from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. (E.T.)

The Biden administration is negotiating a nuclear technology sharing deal with Saudi Arabia which could include support for uranium enrichment capabilities. A long standing proliferation risk, this technology enables production of nuclear weapon-usable enriched uranium. The nuclear talks also take place under the shadow of threats by key Saudi leaders to acquire nuclear weapons if Iran builds nuclear weapons, and by Saudi refusal of intrusive international safeguards on all nuclear activities. This presentation, updating earlier analysis published in Arms Control Today, will discuss the status and prospects of the US-Saudi nuclear talks, the proliferation risks of the proposals under consideration, and the broader regional implications of the Saudi nuclear program and ambitions.

About the speaker: Kelsey Davenport is the Director for Nonproliferation Policy at the Arms Control Association, where she focuses on the nuclear and missile programs in Iran and North Korea and on international efforts to prevent proliferation. She also runs the Arms Control Association’s project assessing the effectiveness of multilateral voluntary initiatives that contribute to nonproliferation efforts. Prior to joining the Arms Control Association, she worked in Jerusalem researching Middle East security issues.